Small indoor gatherings now allowedWed, 12/16/2020 - 22:39 — rwparkEmergency order #11 as posted at is now in effect. It allows indoor gatherings in Dane County of up to 10 people, plus employees. Be a guest host for Musical Time MachineFri, 12/04/2020 - 15:13 — rwparkA program featured on WIDE-LP radio in the past that will reappear in January is Musical Time Machine. The 32 artists or groups that have been previously featured can be seen at The idea is to feature a different group each week that has been producing albums for more than a decade. The station is looking for guest hosts to do enough new shows to fill out 2021 in combination with the old shows. The shows will air Sunday evenings from 7 to 8 pm (with more time available if needed). License renewal grantedSun, 11/29/2020 - 14:10 — rwparkAs of 11/20/20, the FCC granted renewal of WIDE-LP's broadcast license through 12/1/28. The authorization can be viewed at Thanksgiving message from the City of MadisonWed, 11/25/2020 - 15:30 — rwparkThe message can be seen at . It says, in part: "Dane County is currently under Public Health Order #10, which prohibits indoor gatherings with people you do not live with, and restricts outdoor gatherings to 10 people or less, with physical distancing. Getting tested before gathering with others only tells you if you had COVID on the day you were tested. A negative test does not necessarily mean it is safe to gather with others. Indoor gatherings prohibited in Dane CountyTue, 11/17/2020 - 17:48 — rwparkDue to the coronavirus spike, from Nov. 18 to Dec. 16 indoor gatherings of any size are prohibited in our county. The details can be seen at License renewal comment opportunityTue, 11/17/2020 - 09:07 — rwparkThe following announcement is currently airing 3 times a week on WIDE-LP: UW-Madison offers rapid COVID testingWed, 11/11/2020 - 16:14 - rwparkUW-Madison is now offering free COVID-19 testing to area residents, ages five years and older, at the fully accessible Nielsen Tennis Stadium. This testing is for members of the public and participants do not need to be UW-Madison students or employees. The rapid antigen testing from Abbott BinaxNOW delivers results in as little as 15 minutes. Are We Defunding Madison Police?Sat, 10/17/2020 - 09:41 - rwparkDistrict 10 alder, Zachary Henak, and three other West Side alders have scheduled a Westside Community Conversation for October 21 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. The topic of this meeting is "Are We Defunding the Police?" Guests are Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, Laura Larsen, the City's Budget and Program Evaluation Manager, and Acting Chief of Police Victor Wahl and his West Police District Staff. Mask requirementsWed, 09/23/2020 - 19:28 - rwparkFor face mask requirements in Dane County, see . COVID-19 Current Order UpdatesFri, 09/18/2020 - 13:17 - rwparkPublic Health Madison & Dane County is posting updates to the current order for our county on their web page at County school reopen virtuallyThu, 08/27/2020 - 11:25 - rwparkThe current COVID-19 emergency order, which took effect Aug. 24, requires all schools in Dane County to "begin the school year virtually for students in grades 3-12." Details and FAQ are available at . COVID-19 Community ResourcesSat, 07/04/2020 - 08:30 - rwparkThe City of Madison has created a Community Resources page for COVID-19 at Public Health Updates from the city are available at Make Music Madison BroadcastSat, 06/20/2020 - 10:16 - rwparkSunday June 21 is Make Music Madison day. Due to COVID-19 there will be no live broadcast or gathering at the WIDE-LP transmitter garage this year. Instead we will feature recorded music by Madison area artists all day, between talk shows, from 7 am to midnight. The schedule as currently planned is shown at If you have a favorite Madison artist you would like to see on the schedule, email the station at radio -at- widelp -dot- org. Outreach Grant ApprovedWed, 06/17/2020 - 21:43 - rwparkThe Friends of WIDE-LP, 5 station supporters who live in the Midvale Heights neighborhood where our station is located, submitted an application to Madison's Neighborhood Grants Program to fund a neighborhood outreach project. The project is described in an article on page 3 of the current issue of the Midvale Messenger newsletter online at Yesterday the $825 grant was approved by the Common Council. More news will appear here as the project gets underway. Dane County Phased ReopeningTue, 05/26/2020 - 11:43 - rwparkSee the Madison Coronavirus (COVID-19) page at for the latest updates as Dane County begins phased reopening. Safer at Home Order in Effect for Madison Until 5/26Thu, 05/14/2020 - 10:09 - rwparkAs detailed in the 5/13/20 order available at, the Safer at Home Order remains in effect for Madison and Dane County until 8 am on Tue. May 26. (There is a minor revision for "religious entities.") Key COVID-19 links for MadisonSat, 03/21/2020 - 07:51 - rwparkUW Health has COVID-19 Information at with a hotline number, a Frequently Asked Questions page, and many other links. Public Health Madison & Dane County has Coronavirus info at . SSM Health is offering free virtual evaluations: Friends of WIDE-LP formsMon, 03/02/2020 - 20:08 - rwparkOn March 1st 5 Midvale Heights neighbors came together to form Friends of WIDE-LP. Their first act was to work out the details of an application to Madison's 2020 Neighborhood Grant Program, and the application was submitted today (March 2nd). The application seeks a small grant in support of station outreach to the neighborhood by covering printing costs for a brochure, business cards, and door-hangers to raise awareness of the station and promote participation in an online survey. Programming changes for 2020Wed, 01/08/2020 - 12:43 - rwparkAs we start the new year, WIDE-LP has made the following program changes: The Ralph Nader Radio Hour is a new weekly feature at 6 pm Thursdays, replacing Radio Curious. |